Monday, March 31, 2008

Look of the Irish

These bags are the cutest thing that I have ever seen. I mean ever. Cuter than babies, puppies, polka dots.

I wish that I had a birthday party to throw. Or a bake sale to host. Any excuse to buy these CUTE Japanese goodie bags from "little apple crafts" etsy shop.

The lady bug and clover encrusted bags are printed with the saying "I hope everyday will be happy! My heart is about to explode with joy."
I mean, come on. This is like Sanrio for Irish people. Cute. Cute. Cute.


MJ said...

They are totally adorable. But at first, I really thought these were barf bags for St. Patty's Day.

I guess I lived in Boston too long!

emily said...

You know, that is not a bad application for them....too bad I am a few weeks late!