Tuesday, June 24, 2008

A candle that alters time and space

Every now and then I stumble across a product that is so well marketed that I really do believe that they can change my life, make things more interesting, or even make the mundane into drama. Or in the case of the unbelievable, seemingly magical Modern Alchemy candles from the ever talented D.L. & Co, time and space altering. Every bit of these candles ooze personality, mood, and history.

Case in point:

Boston Tea Party Candle

"english black tea is thrown overboard tangled in brackish seaweed

yesssss.... or what about:

Opium Den Candle

"collapse into a languid, hazy cloud and submit to smoldering resins, opiates and tobacco"

Other creative scent combos include Coney Island (sea air and popcorn,
anyone?) and Tincture of Winchester (resins, gun powder, wood stock- of

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